One Person's Junk is Another Person's Work of Art

SUMMERLAND, BC - In an effort to satisfy my constant curiosity, Erick and I often find ourselves travelling down any back, side or dirt road that our car or bike will permit. Sometimes we hit a dead end but other times we stumble upon the most unusual things. Bush Art Gardens is one of those places like no other.

Bush Art Gardens
a friendly welcome
Bush Art Gardens is located on Canyon View Road in Summerland. When I first rode by on my bike, I thought to myself; "Wow - these people don't hide their junk. Clean up your yard!" But then a certain buck - sitting in a chair and wearing sunglasses - caught my eye. Immediately I knew there was something unique about this "junk." Every item, from potted plants to dried bones to rusted pots and pans, has its spot - thoughtfully placed on the lawn.

It's like reliving the past - where old hamster cages are turned into gardens, animal bones form little creatures and an old trailer provides a moment for peace and quiet.

natural creations
step in'll be surprised
plants for sale
Bush Art Gardens (a clever play on Butchart Gardens near Victoria, BC) is run by Carla and Wayne Mcleod. For more than a decade they've been operating under the slogan "Nuthin' but Bloomin' Junk" - proving that any piece of junk can take on new life if you fill it with carefully selected plants.

With pride, Carla and Wayne run their business on an honour system - something you'd only see in a small town. Many of the items in their front yard are for sale. If you see something you like, leave your cash in one of the red gas cans. No questions asked.

we need more people like Carla

Bush Art Gardens makes us realize how much garbage we produce. Most of these items were bound for the dump at one time - discarded as trash - but the Mcleods see something more. They demonstrate how one person's junk is another person's work of art. Even if you don't purchase anything, a visit to this outdoor museum will have you thinking twice next time you toss out an old appliance or pair of shoes. I think I'll suggest they make a garden out of my old laptop!

Bush Art Gardens is near Summerland Sweets, the Kettle Valley Railway Trestle and several fabulous wineries. It's worth a stop if you're in the area.

Bush Art Garden's - 7004 Canyon View Rd. Summerland, BC Phone: 250.494.7041
- Erin