Decorating for Halloween Done by the Best!

SUMMERLAND, BC - Halloween is a huge business in North America. Last year, we spent more than $5.8 billion on everything from costumes and candy to decorations and parties. For many people - it's even more important than Christmas.

Why so much enthusiasm? Halloween is the one time of year when we can dress up as whoever or whatever we want. You've always wanted to be a witch, ax-murderer or even a playboy bunny? Go ahead and have fun with it.

But above all - I believe we love October 31 because deep down - we all crave (and need) a good scare once in a while. Exploring the "darker side" of life both intrigues and inspires us. Do ghosts exist? What's it like to be dead? What do witches really do? It's an opportunity to set aside our day-to-day thoughts and ponder the unknown.

Halloween also brings out the creativity in many of us. There's always one person in every neighbourhood who goes above and beyond - transforming their house into a destination for trick-or-treaters, young and old. Janice Blackie-Goodine is one of those people. She's an Oscar-nominated set decorator, and lucky for Summerland residents every October she showcases her talent.

Blackie-Goodine's Trout Creek home already has the perfect look for a haunted house. But it's her experience, attention to detail and passion for decorating that turn this blank canvas into a spooky delight. 

The day we stopped by, she invited us into her yard to look around. There's so much to see! The dinner table scene is my favourite. What can be more entertaining than unsavory characters chomping down on "finger food"?  

A tasty lunch of finger food!
It's bone-chilling cold out here - good thing I'm wearing my MEC fleece!

Many of Blackie-Goodine's decorations are left over from the films she has worked on. The skeleton below was used as a prop in the Canadian-made film Passchendaele.
Rough day

If you think these pictures are great - just wait until you see the display in person. Blackie-Goodine's house will be lit up for the Halloween weekend. She says children get a real thrill out of her work and return each year to see what's new.

Her house is located at the corner of Thronber St and Landry Cres in Trout Creek. It's a popular neighbourhood for trick-or-treating because it's flat. (Translate: children will last longer and you'll have more candy to eat!)

Blackie-Goodine is also a talented painter. See more about her work at

Have a safe and Happy Halloween everyone!
