Winter Vacation in Summerland

SUMMERLAND - It's the heart of winter but I'm on vacation and that means I'm not going to let freezing temperatures and blowing cold wind stop me from getting outside. I am - after all - in the land of summer.

The Okanagan is my favourite region in British Columbia. The people are kind, the wine is plenty and there are so many things to do. You may get a little tipsy - but you'll never be bored.

I'm the kind of person that likes to make the most of my holiday. I don't believe in New Years resolutions. I always think to myself - why wait - when you can start now. So if your goal is be more active or explore new places - a vacation is the perfect time to start. Trying new things can be just as therapeutic as lounging around and telling yourself you deserve a break from your hectic schedule.

In the days following Christmas Day - Erick & I flew to Kelowna from Victoria. During our time in Summerland we went snowshoeing, hiking and walking. A moderate amount of activity each day left us more feeling balanced and less bloated from a week of eating holiday-sized meals.
Okanagan Lake
We've been snowshoeing many times before around Apex Mountain (30 minutes east of Penticton). Snowshoeing is great because it's what you make it. You can take it easy or go hard by varying distance, speed and terrain. It's a refreshing change from the ski hill and there's less chance you'll get injured.

Snowshoeing is gaining popular in all age groups. Erick and I always go with our friend and guide, Dino. He has been leading snowshoeing tours in the Apex area for 15 years and knows the area inside out. When he's not doing tours or helping to maintain mountain biking trails, he's rallying to protect the area from plans to develop a mine on nearby Riordan Mountain. He recognizes the importance of our wilderness and our right to access crown land.

Dino is extremely knowledgeable and for a very reasonable price he will take you on whatever kind of tour you desire. He provides the snowshoes and poles. All you need to do is come prepared with proper clothing, water and snacks. Going with a guide takes the guess work out and allows you to hone your snowshoeing skills! Dino says whether you're going with a guide or on your own - it's important to be prepared. Don't assume someone will come searching for you if you get lost.

For more information on Dino's Snowshoe Tours - call him @ 250-809-1165 or e-mail him at

Trip #1 Apex Mountain - setting out for our snowshoe tour
Dino leads the way - showing us how to climb a steep hill in snowshoes
Unlimited fresh powder

Erick practices running down hill
Running downhill is harder than it looks. Be prepared for burning muscles - and that includes your abdominals (from laughing so hard.)
Trip #2 - off Bathville Rd (Summerland)
Dino has dubbed this path the "Telus Trail"
 Fresh deep snow
Even a clear cut can be beautiful under a layer of snow
Our goal - a decommissioned Telus tower
Now it's time to head back down
Unlike a clear cut - our footprints won't leave a trace